Wanted: groundbreaking learning transformation

HMH® is proud to partner with Sapulpa Public Schools (SPS) as they implement a comprehensive integrated solution to support their digital learning transformation. The strategic partnership includes, but is not limited to, digital curriculum with a Learning Management System (LMS), a data management and analysis system, professional development services, and technological support.

Sapulpa is well positioned to be the “polesitter” digital district in Oklahoma and a relevant national example of digital best practices. Furthermore, the collaborative partnership will help SPS prepare graduates who are proficient in all aspects of technology by providing unique learning opportunities to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed.

Sapulpa's vision is for students and staff to have anytime digital access to curriculum, resources, and data, thus enabling teachers to more easily tailor education to students' individual learning needs. SPS is looking to be at the forefront in Oklahoma and the U.S. in implementing a successful comprehensive digital transformation for an entire district.

Project Goals
Sapulpa Public Schools requested the following elements:

  • Learning Management System
  • Digital Curriculum
  • Data Management and Analysis
  • Professional Development
  • Partnership Implementation
  • Technical Implementation

An Integrated Solution
HMH™ proposed an integrated solution that combined digital content, professional development services, assessment platforms, and data management/data integration systems. HMH’s integrated solution will provide a true 360-degree set of resources and support for Sapulpa Public Schools.

HMH Products and Services

  • edFusion
  • Digital Learning Essentials Professional Development, Coaching and Modeling Professional Development
  • Channel One News®
  • Secondary Science
  • Secondary Social Studies
  • Collections
  • HMH® Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2 (AGA)
  • GO Math!®
  • ScienceFusion
  • Journeys


See how Sapulpa CSD is
transforming learning

Enabling Learning in a Changing Landscape

HMH™ is proud to deliver our trusted, premium digital content to Sapulpa Public Schools (SPS) via Common Cartridge® through the Learning Management System Buzz™.

Over the next three years Sapulpa Public Schools will implement HMH’s Common Cartridge content in Grades 3–12 across the curriculum, enabling its learning transformation from print to digital. In addition to being accessible through Buzz, Common Cartridge contains a variety of digital assets to enhance and individualize students’ learning, including:

  • High-quality Virtual Labs that offer the educational power of inquiry-based learning and provide students with the opportunity to manipulate and analyze data in a digital environment.
  • Animations and simulations that bring concepts and process to life and speak directly to students in a visual language they understand, ensuring they stay engaged.
  • Video-based projects that provide students the opportunities to develop the skills to think critically and collect, graph, and analyze data.
  • Digital lessons and assessments that address the complete cycle of instruction, practice, and assessment.
  • The ability for parents to communicate with teachers and guide their child’s academic experience.

To learn more about how HMH® digital content enables learning in a changing landscape and prepares students for college and career readiness, visit: hmhco.com/manifesto.

Digital Content + Learning Management = Personalized Learning

HMH and Agilix® are proud to partner with the Sapulpa Public Schools to implement Buzz, the next-generation K–12 personalized learning platform. Buzz enables students to learn their own way, teachers to reach students where they are, and provides parents the insight to support their kids. With Buzz:

Students will:

  • Know what they need to do next
  • Know how they are doing in each subject and how they are doing for each standard
  • Collaborate with other students and with teachers
  • Organize their academic life

Teachers will:

  • Enhance their instruction through a library of vetted HMH® digital content objects aligned to the Oklahoma Academic Standards (OAS) and Priority Academic Student Skills (PASS)
  • Align their instruction to the standards, align their assessment to the standards, and report progress by the standards
  • Understand their own performance and their students’ growth and have continuous improvement models in place
  • Minimize the time they spend grading or presenting material and increase the time spent teaching, coaching, and tutoring
  • Maximize the impact of their teaching efforts by focusing on a student or groups of students that need their help the most

Parents will:

  • Know how their students are doing
  • See individual assignment and quiz grades
  • Be able to review assessments question by question
  • Understand the standards their students are expected to meet

Supplemental Digital Content
Also, HMH offers Channel One News® to further bolster Sapulpa Public Schools’ digital learning initiative. With Channel One News, HMH is helping teachers promote current events and media literacy in the classroom, which helps students in Grades 3–12 interpret the news of the day and spark important, real-world conversations. Channel One News will:

  1. Teach Media Literacy. Every young person is a digital citizen and can benefit from learning how to sort fact from fiction and to share information fairly and responsibly on the Internet.
  2. Inspire Global Citizenship. We live in an interdependent world, and global citizenship gives young people access to cultures and communities beyond their own while teaching them about their responsibility to one another.
  3. Promote Civic Engagement and Communication. We use the news as a way for educators, parents, and students to spark conversations around important issues and to encourage young people to get involved in the communities and causes they care about.

Data to Help Drive Achievement

HMH™ and Sapulpa Public Schools (SPS) will take data-driven decision making to new levels by pairing the unique edFusion™ enterprise data platform with our unparalleled education knowledge and expertise.

edFusion is HMH's comprehensive data management and analysis system platform that connects people, processes, applications, and resources securely to transform data into actionable insights and enable an adaptive learning environment. By using edFusion as the data management and analysis framework, SPS staff will be able to track progress and evaluate programs and, most importantly, be empowered with the right information at the right time in the right manner to foster achievement for all students.

To support student achievement and meet the vision of Sapulpa Public Schools, HMH® will be implementing four key modules of the edFusion system: edFusion Insight—reporting and analytics; edFusion Foundation—data management; edFusion Integrate—data integration; and edFusion Identify—enterprise portal (SSO) and identity management. Each module matches an identified SPS need:

  • Insight: Enterprise education intelligence suite of tools to support reporting, analysis on demand, scorecards, and dashboards—How HMH will help SPS “socialize” or share data in an easy-to-understand format with all stakeholders.
  • Foundation: Set of data management repositories, master data management & utilities—How HMH will help Sapulpa Public Schools collect, store, move, and govern data.
  • Integrate: Integrates data, applications, users, and resources through a portal gateway—How HMH will connect all applications and education resources within SPS’s environment in order to share/communicate data.
  • Identify: Security, authentication, authorization, roles, and identity matching—Assigns roles/permissions and keeps all users, organizations, roles, and applications SECURE for Sapulpa Public Schools. It also helps identity resolution in cases of student mobility.

Learn more about how edFusion will enable learning in Sapulpa Public Schools.

Watch the video   ►

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Professional Development and HMH Education Services

HMH™ is proud to offer a suite of comprehensive professional development and services to support its partnership with Sapulpa Public Schools (SPS). Our full spectrum of offerings ranges from technical planning and curriculum implementation to district-wide data analysis and school improvement partnerships. Our experienced consultants create robust, hands-on learning opportunities for school personnel in order to ensure a significant return on the district’s investment. The collegial partnership between Sapulpa Public Schools and HMH® will ensure success in both the present and future.

Our experienced team will provide consistent, just-in-time support using a variety of delivery methods, including e-learning modules, onsite training, and webinars. These multiple modes of delivery will offer SPS educators increased choice and a more flexible development and support experience. We are confident that a partnership with HMH will maximize Sapulpa Public School’s success in implementing our award-winning programs.

HMH Education Services, which transforms the way teachers teach, leaders lead, and learning organizations collaborate in order to increase student achievement, will provide a professional learning plan by facilitating dynamic change in teaching and learning. Our comprehensive service and development offerings include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Digital Learning Transformation and Learning Essentials
  • Program Implementation Support
  • Teacher Effectiveness

Partnership Implementation

HMH looks forward to working with SPS staff and the community to transform teaching and learning. To that end, HMH has put together a team of experienced professionals who will provide ongoing project management, consultative services, and communications support. HMH Project Managers will develop and maintain co-created project charters, project schedules, and communication plans and will be accountable for delivery timeliness and quality.

HMH and SPS Digital Curriculum and Partnership Services Organizational Chart

Program Implementation Offerings
To complement SPS’s implementation of HMH’s digital content, the district will receive specialized training and professional development. These services go beyond product training; teachers will transform teaching and learning through the integration of 21st-century content and enabling technologies.

Technical Implementation
So teachers and administrators can stay focused on teaching and learning, HMH employs a proven methodology to ensure a successful technology implementation that consists of six distinct phases. This methodology addresses all the relevant elements of the Systems Development Life Cycle, adapted to the implementation of application software. Each phase consists of a predefined series of tasks and deliverables assigned to specific project team members.

The details for the Technical Implementation Multi-Step Process are:
Phase 1: Discovery: Identification of project needs and resources required to complete the overall solution.
Phase 2: Planning: Kick-off meeting between HMH and SPS representatives to discuss objectives and plans necessary for a successful implementation.
Phase 3: Configuration: Create and configure the district and repository subdomains in the LMS and other systems.
Phase 4: Testing & Training: HMH will perform quality assurance tests of the integrations described above.
Phase 5: Rollout: A focus on activities to “go live.”
Phase 6: Transition to Support: Implementation team will coordinate the support team’s participation in the transition services.

Learn more about how HMH Services will enable learning in Sapulpa Public Schools.


The following content will be implemented by Sapulpa Public Schools between Back-to-School 2015 and Back-to-School 2016:

English Language Arts Grades 3–12

Journeys © 2015 is a comprehensive and rigorous English language arts (ELA) program designed to help elementary students successfully meet the standards through an integrated model of literacy instruction...continued

Collections © 2015, HMH’s Grades 6–12 ELA program, provides a seamless transition from Journeys in Grades K–6, with a comprehensive resource for addressing all expectations of PASS...continued

Mathematics Grades 312

GO Math!® K–5 © 2015 and GO Math 6–8 © 2014: HMH’s GO Math!...continued

HMH Algebra, Geometry, and Algebra 2 © 2015 have been written to support the philosophy of the Major Concepts and Standards of PASS...continued

Science Grades 312

HMH's ScienceFusion © 2012, designed for students in Grades K–8, is an interactive digital science program that delivers a holistic science experience...continued

HMH® is pleased to present Holt McDougal Biology, Holt McDougal Modern Chemistry®, and Holt McDougal Environmental Science © 2013, a complete high school science curriculum designed to build a community of 21st-century learners...continued

Social Studies Grades 6–12

United States History © 2012 is a middle grades United States history program that utilizes standards-based content and research-based reading instruction to teach U.S. history...continued

Economics: Concepts and Choices © 2012 uses a concept-driven and interactive approach to develop economic literacy...continued

World Regions (Eastern and Western) © 2012 provides a clean, navigable design and is accentuated by an art program that is both engaging and instructional...continued

The Americans © 2012 is a highly integrated program that provides teachers with a practical and motivational approach to teaching American history and to helping students think critically and reflectively...continued

Designed to balance the need to cover key, standards-based government topics and motivate students to learn, US Government: Principles in Practice © 2012 provides an innovative program that actively involves students in the learning process...continued

Geography © 2012 is a highly integrated program that provides teachers with a practical and motivational approach to teaching world geography and to help students think critically and reflectively...continued

World History: Patterns of Interaction © 2012 is a highly integrated program that provides teachers with a practical and motivational approach to teaching world history and to helping students think critically and reflectively...continued

BrainHoney® and Buzz™ are trademarks or registered trademarks of Agilix Labs, Inc. Assess2Know™, edFusion™, Channel One News®, and GO Math!® are trademarks or registered trademarks of HMH Education Company. Common Cartridge (CC®) is a trademark of IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Agilix and Buzz™ are trademarks or registered trademarks of Agilix Labs, Inc. Channel One News® is a registered trademark of HMH Education Company. edFusion™ is a trademark of HMH Education Company. GO Math!® and Modern Chemistry® are registered trademarks of HMH Education Company.
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