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Play our HMH learn & earn contest for a chance to win!

Your Source for Digital Learning

Visit our professional staff and see how HMH® content and services can Power Up digital instruction.

Don't miss your chance to see all the exciting developments at HMH:

  • Introducing READ 180® Universal—join us in the booth for a daily 3 PM launch celebration with refreshments and giveaways!
  • Download the free StudyPOP! app and play
  • Find out about the new HMH Marketplace
  • Try Google Expeditions* with HMH content
  • See the new HMH digital assessment options
  • Learn about new HMH © 2017 programs
  • End-to-end Professional Services

*Through its alliance with Google, HMH is developing content for Google Expeditions. Using a simple Google Cardboard device and a smartphone, students are swept away into immersive virtual worlds where learning and engagement are maximized. These virtual field trips are 3D, 360-degree experiences in fascinating locations, directly tied to content!

Intervention Programs

READ180 UniversaliReadSystem 44

Teacher Resources

1:1 Digital Learning


Be one of the first 180 ISTE® attendees to follow @READ180 on Twitter® or Facebook® from June 26–29th, and come by the HMH booth (#1711) to grab your READ 180 Universal prize!

Be One of the First 180! ►

Learn & Earn Contest

With HMH, you learn the latest about our extensive digital content and services, and earn points toward winning one of three great prizes**.

Play for a chance to win:
  • Osmo™ Genius Kit
  • GoPro® camera
  • Drone with camera

Win with HMH!

Everything you learn at HMH® gets you closer to winning one of our three great prizes**. Visit HMH at Booth #1711 and score points in our contest when you learn about the many ways we can Power Up digital learning for students and teachers.

The contest is easy and rewarding:
1. Download our free HMH ISTE 16 app and visit the booth (#1711).
2. Receive Question IDs from any of our booth staff.
3. Answer questions correctly and receive points!

Osmo Genius Kit: See how HMH Math and Osmo together make learning math fun and engaging.
GoPro camera: Enable students and teachers to capture video and use it to communicate and analyze important concepts.
Drone with camera: Expand the reach of learning activities and opportunities for teachers and students.
Be one of the first 180 ISTE® attendees to follow @READ180 on Twitter® or Facebook® from June 26–29th, and come by the HMH booth (#1711) to grab your READ 180 Universal prize!

Be One of the First 180! ►

Learn & Earn Contest

Download our free conference app and play to win**:

  • Osmo™ Genius Kit
  • GoPro® camera
  • Drone with camera

Exciting Reasons to Visit HMH at Booth #1711

Google Cardboard


  • Be one of the first 180 ISTE® attendees to follow @READ180 on Twitter® or Facebook® from June 26–29th, and come by the HMH booth (#1711) to grab your READ 180 Universal prize!
    Be One of the First 180! ►

  • Earn points toward winning one of three prizes**!
    All day, Monday through Wednesday

  • Attend the HMH Marketplace Panel for an expert view from teachers and technology companies about the opportunities offered by the sharing economy in education.
    Monday: 12:00 PM

  • Don't miss the READ 180® Universal launch events–enjoy refreshments, giveaways, meet program authors, and dive into our interactive brain experience!
    Monday and Tuesday: 3:00 PM

  • Play our free StudyPOP! app game.
    Check in at our Greeting Station

  • Google Cardboard
    Try our Google Expeditions demo and take home
    a free Google Cardboard
    (while supplies last).
    Monday: 9:30 AM–5:30 PM
    Tuesday: 9:30 AM–5:00 PM
    Wednesday: 9:30 AM–2:30 PM

  • Experience the latest digital content and technology in our Hands-on Theater.
    Monday and Tuesday: 10:00 AM–4:00 PM
    Wednesday: 10:00 AM–12:00 PM, Awards 1:00 PM

  • Stop by our Solution Stations for one-on-one time.
    All day, Monday and Tuesday; until 2:30 PM, Wednesday

Intervention Programs

READ180 UniversaliReadSystem 44

Teacher Resources

1:1 Digital Learning


Learn & Earn Contest

Download our free conference app and play to win**:

  • Osmo™ Genius Kit
  • GoPro® camera
  • Drone with camera

Hands-On Theater

  • Leading EdTech
  • HMH® and Google®
  • Intervention
  • HMH Marketplace

Its Easy to Find What You Need at HMH

Use this map to navigate your HMH® experience.

Learn & Earn Contest

Download our free conference app and play to win**:

  • Osmo™ Genius Kit
  • GoPro® camera
  • Drone with camera

Be one of the first 180 ISTE® attendees to follow @READ180 on Twitter® or Facebook® from June 26–29th, and come by the HMH booth (#1711) to grab your READ 180 Universal prize!

Be One of the First 180! ►

Hands–On Theater

  • Leading EdTech
  • HMH® and Google®
  • Intervention

HMH Partners Area

  • Google Expeditions

StudyPOP! App Game

Solution Stations
  • HMH Marketplace
  • Intervention Solutions
  • K–12 Digital Content
  • Assessment and Services

Hands-on Theater Schedule

Monday, June 27, 2016

10:00 AM Learn how the new READ 180® Universal accelerates reading development for students in need of reading intervention with groundbreaking adaptive technology that combines brain science and growth mindset for an individualized instructional path. Grades 4–12 
10:30 AM Get your hands on Continuum Assessments™ and see how this suite of Item Bank and Benchmark assessments can meet the requirements of today's rigorous academic standards.  Grades K–12
11:00 AM Experience how HMH® has combined our GO Math!® and Math Expressions programs with the Osmo™ Reflective Artificial Intelligence technology for fun games that build proficiency. Grades K–6
11:30 AM Discover how iRead® places students on a predictable path to reading proficiently by Grade 3.
12:00 PM Discover new resources and applications to bring your class to life with HMH Marketplace.
1:00 PM Achieve the best of both worlds when you combine HMH Premier Programs with your LMS.
1:30 PM Participate in a new and fun study game that uses our free StudyPOP! app and HMH curriculum.
2:00 PM Take a tour of the new HMH content for Google Expeditions* and take home a free Google Cardboard™.
2:30 PM Learn how the new READ 180 Universal accelerates reading development for students in need of reading intervention with groundbreaking adaptive technology that combines brain science and growth mindset for an individualized instructional path. Grades 4–12 
3:00 PM Join us to celebrate the launch of READ 180 Universal, enjoy refreshments and giveaways, meet program authors, and dive into our interactive brain experience!
4:00 PM MATH 180® is a revolutionary adaptive math intervention program designed to address the needs of struggling students and their teachers equally.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

10:00 AM Get your hands on Continuum Assessments and see how the suite of Item Bank and Benchmark assessments can meet the requirements of today's rigorous academic standards.  Grades K–12
10:30 AM Learn how the new READ 180 Universal accelerates reading development for students in need of reading intervention with groundbreaking adaptive technology that combines brain science and growth mindset for an individualized instructional path. Grades 4–12 
11:00 AM Take HMH Language Arts instruction wherever you go with the HMH Player app and our new 2017 K–12 Language Arts programs
11:30 AM MATH 180 is a revolutionary adaptive math intervention program designed to address the needs of struggling students and their teachers equally.
12:00 PM Take a tour of the new HMH content for Google Expeditions* and take home a free Google Cardboard.
1:00 PM Participate in a new and fun study game that uses our free StudyPOP! app and HMH curriculum.
2:00 PM Achieve the best of both worlds when you combine HMH Premier Programs with your LMS.
2:30 PM Learn how the new READ 180 Universal accelerates reading development for students in need of reading intervention with groundbreaking adaptive technology that combines brain science and growth mindset for an individualized instructional path. Grades 4–12 
3:00 PM Join us to celebrate the launch of READ 180 Universal, enjoy refreshments and giveaways, meet program authors, and dive into our interactive brain experience!
3:30 PM Discover how iRead places students on a predictable path to reading proficiently by Grade 3.
4:00 PM Experience how HMH has combined our GO Math! and Math Expressions programs with the Osmo Reflective Artificial Intelligence technology for fun games that build proficiency.  Grades K–6

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

10:00 AM Experience how HMH has combined our GO Math! and Math Expressions programs with the Osmo Reflective Artificial Intelligence technology for fun games that build proficiency.  Grades K–6
11:00 AM Achieve the best of both worlds when you combine HMH Premier Programs with your LMS.
12:00 PM Participate in a new and fun study game that uses our free StudyPOP! app and HMH curriculum.
1:00 PM HMH Contest Awards Ceremony:  HMH will announce the winners of our Osmo Genius Kit, GoPro® camera, and drone. Attend and help celebrate with us.

*Through its alliance with Google, HMH is developing content for Google Expeditions. Using a simple Google Cardboard™ device and a smartphone, students are swept away into immersive virtual worlds where learning and engagement are maximized. These virtual field trips are 3D, 360-degree experiences in fascinating locations, directly tied to content!

**Prize is to be used for educational/classroom purposes. Applicable laws and policies may restrict educators from accepting certain items, including raffle and contest prizes. Each prizewinner must obtain approval from the appropriate school authority for the acceptance of the prize and is responsible for notifying HMH immediately if approval is denied. Must be a current educator to qualify for the drawing. Only one entry per person will be accepted. Winners do not need to be present to win.

Google, Google Play, and Google Cardboard are trademarks or registered trademarks of Google Inc. Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.ISTE® is a registered trademark of International Society for Technology in Education, Inc. Twitter® is a registered trademark of Twitter, Inc. Facebook® is a registered trademark of Facebook, Inc. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc. OSMO is a trademark of Tangible Play, Inc. GOPRO is a registered trademark of GoPro, Inc. HMH®, Read 180®, iRead®, System 44®, and HMH Player® are trademarks or registered trademarks of HMH Education Company.

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